You may arrive any time until 11p.m when the hotel closes. If you expect to arrive after 11p.m, you must contact the hotel directly in advance to make the necessary arrangements. You will immediately feel at home in one of the 40 rooms at Hotel Campanile. Bathroom with hair-dryer, television with Canal+ and Satellite, direct telephone line, Internet connection, free Wifi re sure to find the comfort you re looking for. Double rooms, extra beds for two, three or four, infant cots. Let us know what you d like so we can find the room for you. Hotel Campanile de VILLEFRANCHE SUR SAONE breakfasts are famous for filling you up. From 6 30 to 9 a.m., enjoy the buffet, where you can have as much as you like of everything you want in a breakfast nourishing, light or complete. Seated in a welcoming dining room, you will be in the perfect conditions to taste our quality cuisine at lunch and dinner. treat yourself to the daily special and enjoy as much as you like of our appetizer and dessert buffet. Come for lunch between noon and 2 p.m. and enjoy a peaceful dinner between 7 and 10 p.m. Afterwards you can order room service (with reservation) until 9 30 p.m. Other amenities/ services Direct dial phone, Coach parking
Near to the town centre and the Villefranche Jassans exit off the A6, your Hotel Campanile allows you to combine pleasure and tranquility. 60 kms to the nearest airport (lyon-saint exupéry airport)