In the hotel you can find the following services: Breakfast (buffet), parking, wireless internet, NOVA sports channel, toys, garden / courtyard, traditional products showroom, living room with fireplace, cafe / bar and a library. Most rooms have: living room, fireplace, mini-bar, full bathroom, hairdryer, eco products, telephone, TV with DVD, satellite TV, wireless internet, bathrobes, 220 Volt outlet in the bathroom
Located in Xirokampi, at the Municipality of Faris. The Municipality of Faris, is defined by the boundaries of Laconia and Messinia-occupying southern municipalities of Mystras and Sparta. Located at the foot of Taygetos where you can find many restaurants with local cuisine and cafe. Located 15 minutes south of Sparta, near the main road E65 to Gythio and 2 ½ hours from Athens by car. The mountainous location makes the hotel an ideal starting point for outdoor activities like biking, horseback riding and hiking. You can visit the Olive Museum and the Archaeological Museum of Sparta.