Relax in rooms with a rainfall of this spa hotel in Nardo. In addition to a great location near offers an outdoor pool and breakfast included in the Price, to guarantee the maximum comfort .Offers easy access to a number of attractions , including the beach of Santa Maria al Bagno, Portoselvaggio and Sea Museum . Shrine of the Holy Cross of Mercy and Port of Gallipoli are other places of interest. Offers a full-service spa, massage and treatment rooms and free parking. Spa services, a spa tub, a fitness facility, and a turkish bath provide relaxation during your trip. In addition, this hotel features a seasonal outdoor pool. For leisure there are other facilities, including a library. The Staff can provide tour ticket assistance.The front desk is open during limited hours. If you need to work while away, then this hotel offers the possibility to make use of secretarial services.
Additional services not included in the price.
Santa Caterina Resort & Spa