The hotel offers 101 rooms including comfortable single and double Standard and Superior rooms, De Luxe single and double rooms, exquisite VIP-rooms and luxurious Executive Suite . The hotel provides a wide range of services to ensure comfortable stay and make it really unforgettable. Just get into the welcoming atmosphere of the restaurant and enjoy traditional dishes of Russian cuisine, especially chef specialties of the day. Cozy atmosphere of lounge gives a chance to enjoy watching your favorite movie or an exciting football match, play chess, checkers or backgammons, listen to the music or just have a pleasant chat in the stylish and relaxing surrounding. Sport lovers will undoubtedly appreciate up-to-date fitness center of our hotel, where the guests can find various workout facilities including treadmill, weightlifting and exercise bicycle. The hotel gives special attention to every guest. Check in at hotel is guest-friendly and will not take much time. In the reception hall one can find Internet access and Information terminal, fresh newspapers and magazines. For the guest s convenience, there is an electronic board in the lobby displaying detailed information about the flights (including departure and arrival time and flight numbers). Guests can also make international calls right from the room. The hotel has got a 25-seat conference hall. The staff will provide assistance in arranging corporate meetings, conferences, etc. Coffee breaks and lunches are also available. The hotel team will make every effort to create perfect conditions for guests pleasant stay. Beauty salon, laundry, taxi service and many other benefits ensure high standard of the hotel.
The hotel is situated within 5 minutes walk from the Kurumoch International Airport.
Additional services not included in the price.