NO 24-hour reception. Please contact hotel before arrival.10-minute drive will take guests from Taipei Main Station to this elegant hotel furnished with all necessary amenities for a comfortable stay. All units are air-conditioned and have complimentary WiFi Internet access. Guests can use the hotels excellent location to their benefit and walk around an area filled with shops and restaurants.1. Our Check-in time: 15:00 ~ 21:00. (Latest check-in time: 23:00)2. Our Check-out time: 10:00 ~ 11:003. Luggage Storage Service: 09:00 ~ 18:004. Please email to for your arrival/check-in time, hotel will have make the proper arrangement.5. ezBookers Customer Service: +886.916-398844(09:00~21:00)
Ezbookers - Fuxing B