Hotel was constructed in 2009. Hotel was completely refurbished in 2009. There are a total of 61 rooms on the premises. The property consists of 61 double rooms. This hotel is the perfect base for exploring the area. Guests can enjoy the convenience of 24-hour reception. The Hotel safe provides a secure place for guests to store valuable items. The Hotel provides a cloakroom for guests to store winter clothing. The Hotel provides a lift. There is a beautiful garden for guest enjoyment. The Hotel offers a terrace for guest enjoyment. The Hotel offers room service. Guests may take advantage of the Hotel s Laundry service. For the convenience of those staying long-term, there is a launderette. The property is wheelchair-accessible. There is bicycle storage on the premises. There is an on-site car park. Guests may energize for the day in the onsite gym. The Hotel offers 24-hour security. The Hotel has a golf desk.
Additional services not included in the price.
Rockliffe Hall Hotel