1409 Reynolds Road
Maumee (Oh)
General Info
At this hotel, the staff are passionate about taking good care of their guests. For this reason, the hotel offers a broad range of services and amenities to make each guest s stay exceptional. Whether guests are planning a corporate meeting or simply require accommodation for a family reunion or a children s sports group, this hotel can offer easy planning and booking tools to make the process quick and well-organized.
This family-friendly hotel is air-conditioned and offers a total of 125 rooms.
Guests are welcomed in the lobby, which offers a 24-hour reception service, as well as a hotel safe, cloakroom and lift access to the upper floors. Other facilities include a breakfast room and conference facilities. A laundry service is available, and guests with their own vehicles can make use of the hotel car park.
This hotel in Toledo-South/Maumee is located within walking distance of Arrowhead Park, the largest office park in the state. It is also just a few kilometres from a world-class art museum and zoo. Visitors may choose to go and see the historic Fort Meigs, the largest walled fortification in North America.