Other amenities/services: Rooms with Fridge, Radio/Stereo System, Telephone. Breakfast room.
In the hotel you can find the following services: Breakfast (buffet), parking, wireless internet, NOVA sports channel, toys, garden / courtyard, traditional products showroom, living room with fireplace, cafe / bar and a library. Most rooms have: living room, fireplace, mini-bar, full bathroom, hairdryer, eco products, telephone, TV with DVD, satellite TV, wireless internet, bathrobes, 220 Volt outlet in the bathroom
Set at the foothills of Mount Taygetos, the hotel is located in the picturesque village of Xirokampi. This traditional guesthouse is environmentally friendly and offers free Wi-Fi access, along with comfortable geothermal cooling and heating technology. The hotel boasts 10 suites, some of them even feature a fireplace and a kitchenette. The property's location at the foothills of Mount Taygetos makes it an ideal starting point for outdoor activities like cycling, hiking and rock-climbing.Guests can also visit the Museum of Olive Oil and the Archaeological Museum of Sparta.