A good hotel for its category with excellent facilities and services. 11/09 RC All the rooms are modern and all are medium in size and in good to very good condition. Decor varies but the majority have tiled flooring and dark wood furnishings. The lobby is very large in size and incorporates a whole host of differing area. The reception area is to be found at the very top of the lobby whilst on the left hand side is the restaurant and to the right is a bar/lounge area. It also incorporates one of the largest business centres of any Rio hotel. A large modern white tower block. The restaurant is situated on the ground floor to the left of the entrance. It is dominated completely by a huge oil painting which covers the whole side wall of the restaurant and depicts a sky view of Rio. High quality international cuisine is served.
Important place or monument close to the hotel: located on Copacabana beach, City Center - 10km, Sugar Loaf - 6km. Nearest airport: Santos Dumont Airport - 10km, Galeao Airport - 5km.
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Pestana Rio Atlantica