Best Quality La Darsena Torino

  • Πληροφορίες

Best Quality La Darsena

Διεύθυνση Strada Torino 29, Moncalieri
Πόλη Torino
Γενικές Πληροφορίες

Other amenities/services: Rooms with Direct dial phone. Laundry.


Important place or monument close to the hotel: situated on the right bank of the river Po close to Moncalieris old town, Turin city sign - 1km, City center - 4km, Lingotto Congress Centre - 10min by car or 30min by bus. Nearest station/metro: Torino Linglotio metro station - 40min walk, Torino P.N. station - 5km, Bus stop -1min walk. Nearest airport: TRN Airport - 40km.