Thoughtful conveniences like coffee makers, clock radios, and lounge chairs in every room and free parking for any size vehicle help make your stay hassle-free. Some rooms feature sofa beds, and handicapped-accessible rooms are available at our pet-friendly hotel. Kids 17 and under stay free with an adult. Book online today. Our Southampton, UK, hotel has several restaurants on-site, including Costa Coffee for a fresh cup of coffee, Wimpy for a burger on the go, and Restbite Restaurant for a hearty meal. If you are looking forward to sampling the local restaurants nearby, consider Water-Margin Chinese Restaurant, Prezzo Italian Restaurant, Bowlers Restaurant or The Four Horseshoes, all within two miles. You are sure to find something for any taste. Other amenities/ services 2 floors, Coach parking
The hotel is conveniently situation off M27 Motorway, offering easy access to the Bournemouth and Portsmouth areas. 8 kms to city centre 12 kms to the nearest airport (southampton airport)
Days Inn Rownhams