Enjoy in-room amenities that will save you valuable travel time at our Salina hotel, including coffee maker, microwave and refrigerator. Connect to free Wi-Fi to stay in touch with family, friends or coworkers from the road, or watch satellite TV in your room. Our hotel features an outdoor pool and Jacuzzi suites if you need to unwind from a long drive. After a restful sleep, begin your day with free SuperStart continental breakfast before heading back out on the road. We offer free large-vehicle parking, and rooms with kitchenettes are available. Kids 17 and under stay free with an adult.
Super 8 Salina / Scenic Hills Area hotel provides value and convenience in the high desert of Central Utah. Located at the junction of Interstate 70 and U.S. Highway 50, our Salina hotel is the last stop for 110 miles if you are heading east on I-70. Our Salina, UT, hotel offers easy access to popular area attractions and direct routes to Denver, Reno, Salt Lake City and Los Angeles.
Super 8 Salina/scenic Hills Area